Support the Flatwater Free Press
As Nebraska’s nonprofit newsroom, we hold leaders accountable and bring people together through stories that enlighten and inspire.
Your donation supports a free press, the First Amendment, and the right of all Nebraskans to know the truth.
You can mail a check made out to Nebraska Journalism Trust to us at PO Box 31436, Omaha, NE 68131.
The Flatwater Free Press is the flagship publication of the Nebraska Journalism Trust, a 501(c)3 public charity with a mission to uncover truth, amplify diverse voices, and enrich life in Nebraska.
Our tax ID number is 86-3968316.
You can mail a check to us at PO Box 31436, Omaha, NE 68131.
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Planned giving
You can make a lasting difference for Nebraska through your planned gift.
The Flatwater Free Press gratefully accepts gifts from donor advised funds and IRAs, gifts through wills or trusts, and gifts of appreciated securities, life insurance, real estate and other assets. We can also work with you to endow your support so you can power Nebraska journalism in perpetuity.
Contact Barbara Soderlin, Director of Advancement, to discuss the gift that works best with your goals. Reach Barbara at, or at (402) 670-0095.