June 18: Omaha Human Rights and Relations Board Meeting

The Omaha Human Rights and Relations Board meeting was brief and focused primarily on educational programming. The board did not vote on anything and heard no complaints or public comments.

Assistant Director Christian Espinosa updated the board on a recent Fair Housing Training, which had over 40 attendees. Despite some disruptions from construction noise and a lack of time for Q&A, board members considered the event successful and suggested scheduling another session this year. The results of an attendee survey were discussed; however, the board declined to provide the survey results, saying it required a public records request. 

Upcoming HRR-sponsored events were announced, including “Women in Engineering” on June 25 and a “Small Business Bonding” workshop on July 23. Additionally, the board was encouraged to attend community events like World Refugee Day on June 22 and the Pride Parade and Festival on July 13. 

The meeting started at 11:35 a.m. It adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

– Based on the notes of Documenter Vince Furlong. Read the full notes here.

By Omaha Documenters

Omaha Documenters is a program that empowers citizens to actively participate in local governance by documenting public meetings. This initiative enhances transparency and accountability by making critical information accessible to the community, fostering informed public discourse, and promoting civic engagement. Through its network of dedicated Documenters, the program bridges the gap between government entities and the public, ensuring that decisions affecting the community are transparent and inclusive. For more information and to get involved, visit documenters.org.



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