August 2: Regional Planning Advisory Committee

The Regional Planning Advisory Committee gathered at the Council Bluffs Public Library on Aug. 2, though there were not enough members to officially call the meeting to order. As a result, no votes were taken. 

The City of Omaha’s planning department provided an update on the “We Make Omaha” comprehensive planning process, which guides public decision-making for 20-30 years by combining data and public input. Derek Miller, long-range and mobility planning manager, highlighted the limitations for future development due to natural boundaries and emphasized the need for a cohesive, visionary plan. Sydney Embray, comprehensive planner, detailed the engagement strategy, which includes various community outreach methods. She encouraged participation in an opening survey to gather community input.

Further updates included the Western Sarpy County Transportation Enhancement Plan (WE-STEP) and the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG). Jason Carbee from HDR presented WE-STEP’s plans for addressing local growth and connectivity, with the City of Gretna set to adopt the plan soon. Lindsey Button from the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency discussed the CPRG’s preliminary greenhouse gas inventory findings, emphasizing the importance of community engagement and workforce development. The morning concluded with updates from committee members on various projects and initiatives.

Meeting documented by Marcus Chaffe

Read full meeting notes here

By Omaha Documenters

Omaha Documenters is a program that empowers citizens to actively participate in local governance by documenting public meetings. This initiative enhances transparency and accountability by making critical information accessible to the community, fostering informed public discourse, and promoting civic engagement. Through its network of dedicated Documenters, the program bridges the gap between government entities and the public, ensuring that decisions affecting the community are transparent and inclusive. For more information and to get involved, visit

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