Sept. 17: Omaha Human Rights and Relations Board

Due to not having enough members present, the Omaha Human Rights and Relations Board was unable to conduct an official meeting. Instead, members and staff held an informal discussion on recent activities and future plans. Deputy administrator Christian Espinosa reported that HRR successfully presented on housing to the Metropolitan Omaha Property Owners Association. New funding will enhance outreach efforts in North and South Omaha, focusing on training and housing issues. Regarding a new state requirement that the city develop a plan to eliminate poverty, Espinosa said surveys are being conducted, with HRR leading outreach.

The seventh annual HRR Martin Luther King “Living the Dream” event for local schools is scheduled for Jan. 20, with staff requesting board members to volunteer. 

Longtime volunteer Nancy joined the discussion and stressed the need for more HRR presentations to the disabled community, particularly highlighting the urgent need for vocational training for the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Meeting documented by Vince Furlong

Read full meeting notes here.

By Omaha Documenters

Omaha Documenters is a program that empowers citizens to actively participate in local governance by documenting public meetings. This initiative enhances transparency and accountability by making critical information accessible to the community, fostering informed public discourse, and promoting civic engagement. Through its network of dedicated Documenters, the program bridges the gap between government entities and the public, ensuring that decisions affecting the community are transparent and inclusive. For more information and to get involved, visit



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